Приглашение на собеседование (англ.)
Dear Mr (Mrs) Name Surname!
Thank you for your application to our Company. Your papers have been carefully assessed and I am now writing to inform you that we would like to invite you to attend our standard professional test. These have been arranged as above and I would be grateful if you could confirm to the number given whether or not you will be able to attend. Unfortunately, we will not be able to offer you an alternative date as our schedule is very tight.
For you information the professional test lasts for three hours and comprises:
Please ensure that your candidate number is written on each sheet of paper used in your test. Do not write your name anywhere on your test.
If you have disability and you require special arrangements to be made, please let me know in advance.
After the test you will be given an application form which you will need to complete in full. Also, please bring with you to the test a recent passport-size photo. It will also be necessary for you to bring you passport (identification card) with you to the test for identification purposes.
You will be informed by telephone about the result of your test and the date and time of the selection interview.
Yours sincerely,
Источник - "Резюме, характеристики, рекомендации", "Налоговый вестник"
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