Типовое межгосударственное соглашение о приграничном сотрудничестве в области повышения квалификации, информации, занятости и условий труда (англ.)

к Конвенции Совета Европы
от 21.05.1980 N 106

1.11 Model inter-state agreement on transfrontier co-operation in matters concerning lifelong training, information, employment and working conditions

Introductory note: This agreement may be concluded either individually or in conjunction with one or more of the model inter-state agreements (Texts 1.1 to 1.5) 33 .

33 Additional model and outline agreements have been authorized for publication; they are appended to this Convention and numbered 1.6 to 1.13 and 2.7 to 2.15.

The governments of ..... and ....., aware of the need to ensure that populations living in the areas lying on either side of frontiers enjoy equivalent conditions with regard to lifelong training, employment and work, and information, have agreed as follows:

Article 1

All nationals of a state which is party to this agreement who reside in the area defined as the "frontier area" have right of access to the labour market of the other party(ies) on an equal footing with nationals of the said party(ies).

The regional authorities or, subsidiarily, government authorities have defined the territory to be regarded as the "frontier area" as follows: ..... (definition).

Article 2

Frontier workers shall enjoy the same conditions of employment and work as national workers of the employing state.

Article 3

Frontier workers shall enjoy the same occupational mobility - at least within the limits of the frontier area - as workers who are nationals of the employing state.

Depending on the competence of the authorities concerned, jobless workers shall qualify for all job creation schemes.

Article 4

All institutions providing general and occupational training and all agencies providing lifelong occupational training, retraining, resettlement, etc. should be accessible to frontier populations and workers under the same conditions as for national populations and workers.

Article 5

A system will be set up for the recognition of occupational qualifications and certificates issued by institutions within the frontier area, in order to guarantee equality of treatment for people living in the frontier area of one party who wish to work or undergo further training or study in the other or one of the other party(ies).

In order to ensure equal conditions, steps should be taken to promote knowledge of the language and culture of the neighbouring border region.

Article 6

Each party shall acknowledge the capacity of the other party(ies) to issue certificates and other documents whose legal validity it shall undertake to recognise.

Article 7

The competent administrative authorities of frontier regions shall enter into agreements to update the provisions of the present inter-state agreement.

Article 8

The Contracting Parties undertake to promote and implement co-operation among public employment bodies in frontier regions in order to ensure or, where applicable, improve the exchange and joint management of information concerning the employment and working conditions of frontier workers.

They shall promote the establishment of joint information centres for frontier workers, enabling the latter to obtain detailed and accurate information on all questions concerning them.

Источник - Конвенция СЕ от 21.05.1980 № 106





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